A few months ago I had the chance, to present one of my latest furnitures at an exhibition.
On occasions like this I always enjoy getting in contact with visitors or just to observe how they react to my creations and the way I build them.
One question that I got asked frequently was, if they could alter the structure of my furniture independently. Their curiosity is understandable, since it is theoretically possible to do so. But to be honest, although I do feel honored to inspire their creativity, this question is really bothering me.
My furniture are my creations. The way I build them, is an expression of my creativity. Once I have finished them, they look exactly the way I want them to look and no one should modify their appearance in any way, shape or form. The simple notion, that somebody could really deconstruct and rebuild one of my furnitures concerned me so much, that for this project I glued together all of the components, to prevent this from happening.
The initial idea for the Play Mirror was to again use oak as the main material and to follow a more simplistic approach, compared to my last furniture, the Play Bamboo Cabinet.
If you would have asked me at the beginning, why I chose to build a standing mirror, I could have given you no other reason than that I wanted to incorporate a new material, which would allow me to try new things. But in retrospect, I realized that the mirror is also a great metaphor for what I want my furniture to be.
I build my furniture in a way that allows people to reflect on their own ideas or associations. Where have I seen this shape before? How would this look like if someone would exchange one element with another one? How would I build something like this?
All these thoughts and ideas are as diverse as the faces of different people who all look in the same mirror. They are a reflection of everyone’s own unique creativity and personality and you don’t have to change the shape of the mirror or the structure of my furniture to experience this.
In other words: I am happy if my furniture does not only change the atmosphere of a room but can also inspire somebody’s creativity and way of thinking. They are, however, already completed pieces of art. They are like my personal toys and the way I build them is my way to express myself.
They can serve as a projection surface for your own ideas, but if you want to express your own creativity, you have to find or create your own ‚toys‘ to do so.
SIZE:W45 D 45 H 181cm
MIRROR: W 30 H100 cm
Red&Blue:Material: Mirror, PU coated oak
Colorful :Material: Mirror, Chalk coated oak